Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Screw it, they said it

Intensely personal stuff. Ever feel the unprofessional urge to grab someone by the shoulders, shake them and yell, STOP TALKING!? People who tell you waaaay too much and you know you’re absolutely going to use it and they're probably going to catch some crap -- you know this because you’ve read way too many online comments sections over the years.

But they said it. Case and point: Double murder suicide and this married couple’s priest tells me all about all the problems they were having, how the guy used to drink and be violent (duh), and how he went away for a few months and then came back and thought she was cheating on him but she wasn’t and…oh and they were here illegally and slept in separate bedrooms and...

Oh my god you realize you’re talking to a reporter, right? Right?

But he said it, so… in it goes. That's the job.

Still, sometimes I do feel that urge.